Outdoor weddings are a hot trend chosen by many couples because of their liberal style and ideal open space. With that trend, Vu Tuong & Thuy Linh also chose to hold their wedding outdoors and this will surely be a very special wedding.

The Wedding Ceremony
Leading the trend with outdoor wedding style, THO’s team has chosen dynamic color tones such as white, orange, and pastel pink as the main theme. Creating a perfect combination between the late spring breeze and the early summer sunshine.

Inspired like an outdoor music party, with many tropical colors, creating excitement for the guests.

“Beautiful MIE with her trendy remix”

An outdoor wedding party is indispensable for music, and because of that, the couple specially invited the beautiful Dj Mie with extremely fiery music, creating an unforgettable party night for everyone.
See more wonderful moments at outdoor weddings here.
If you want to hold an outdoor wedding, see more here.